About the GBRTA:

The Greater Bridgeport Retired Teachers Association, Inc. (GBRTA) was established in 1951 for the express purpose of providing:

    • educational, cultural, and social activities for retired teachers;

    • assistance for the well-being and comfort of needy retired teachers;

    • scholarship assistance for students in the Greater Bridgeport Area; and

    • information concerning opportunities for community service.

All retired teachers who reside in or have taught in the Greater Bridgeport Area, which includes Bridgeport, Easton, Fairfield, Milford, Monroe, Shelton, Stratford and Trumbull, and who receive pensions from the State of Connecticut are eligible for membership in the organization. More than 1,100 retired teachers participate in and benefit from the organization. Meetings of the Association are held in October, November, December, April, and May.

Members are updated on legislative issues of concern by reports from representatives of GBRTA who participate in meetings of the Connecticut Teachers’ Retirement Board and who communicate with legislators on matters affecting teachers such as Pensions, Health Insurance, the Social Security Pension Offset, and Teacher Certification.

GBRTA is affiliated with the Association of Retired Teachers of Connecticut, ARTC, a state-wide organization dedicated to promoting the welfare of retired teachers.

Dues are $20. yearly, with the membership year running from September 1 through August 31. 

If you are behind in making dues payments for two years or more, you will be dropped from our membership file.

Download the membership form

Mail the application and dues to :

Ann Block
60 Ridgeview Avenue
Trumbull, CT  06611

Membership Form

Honoring Veterans

An ongoing project of the Social Services committee is the collection of new personal items and toiletries for distribution at the New Haven Veterans’ Hospital. If, on your vacation, you collected personal sized samples of soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc., bring them along to any meeting and the committee will package and send them to the Hospital. Remember – both male and female veterans would appreciate them.
